Address: Calle Capitán Ramón Borja E10-154 y Av. Eloy Alfaro
Looking for a quality and affordable builder for your next project?
8:30 am to 17:00 pm from Monday to Friday
Ability to execute high-complexity contracts with remarkable performance.
Our company adaptability and planning strategy have led us to be an international, competitive business company which, successfully operates in Latin America countries, regardless their legal, technical and social conditions. By being part of Single and Multiple Award Task Order Contracts with the United States Government, we have benefited a diversity of communities within these countries and have developed large experience in:
Institutional, Industry & Manufacturing. In addition to Design-Build construction projects for these markets, we have delivered and installed specialized equipment for a variety of medical, military, and marine compound buildings.
Humanitarian Assistance Projects (HAP). Working in HAP is highly rewarding as we are able to deliver better life conditions to people who need, especially in remote areas where isolation, disasters or poverty have made them vulnerable.
Commercial & Residential. We deliver valuable benefits for both type of customers by understanding the nature of their needs from the very beginning of each project. We have provided residential solutions ranging from apartments building to sophisticated residences.
Service Features
The future of our environment and safety of our employees is much more than our responsibility, it is a daily commitment.
We have over 15-years experience successfully developing and integrating design disciplines through a highly effective phase-design process.